More Hotels in Columbus, OH

Best Western Port Columbus

Save 5% or more when booking AAA/CAA rates plus earn bonus points with the AAA Preferred™ BWR Program
(4 max per room)
AAA Inspector Notes
If you are traveling through the Columbus airport, this hotel is your most economical option. Though room size is a bit tight, one can relax in the spacious indoor pool with high cedar plank ceilings. This hotel's proximity to highways offers easy access to downtown Columbus and to the Easton shopping area. Some rooms have sofa sleepers. Not evaluated. Facilities, services, and décor characterize an economy property.

Amenities & Services

Swimming Pool
Pet Friendly
Fitness Center
ECO Friendly
Electric Charging
Business Center
1450 Airpointe Dr 43219.
AAA Benefit
Save 5% or more when booking AAA/CAA rates plus earn bonus points with the AAA Preferred™ BWR Program
pet friendly (call for restrictions/fees.).