Destination: GREECE
Things To Know
The Land
Traditional Culture
The Greeks and You
The Golden Age of Classical Greece
The Greeks and You

Tourism is not a slick operation in Greece; everything works, things eventually happen, but not necessarily with streamlined efficiency. So relax, slow down and you'll get much more out of your trip.

The Greeks have been dealing with foreign incursions for centuries, so they took the late 20th-century tourist influx in stride. The classical Greek tradition of hospitality to strangers is still strong, which makes for a relaxed attitude toward visitors, particularly when you go off the beaten track.
Hospitality often takes the form of innumerable personal questions, among which “How much do you earn?” is usually near the top of the list. Don't be offended, as this is considered an acceptable and friendly exchange. If someone offers you something - a drink, some fruit, a flower - accept it graciously, as the donor is acting out a tradition that goes back thousands of years.
Greeks have a strong code of honor, which makes Greece a safe country to visit. It's highly unlikely you'll be cheated in any way, and you can safely walk most streets at night without worrying. Society has changed beyond recognition in the last 40 years, and young Greeks are far more emancipated than their parents. Female virtue - especially in rural areas - is still held in high regard. As a result, young Greek males may occasionally pester foreign girls in the often mistaken belief that they will respond more readily to their advances.
There's still a large rural class in Greece, and outside cities and tourist areas you'll see black-garbed figures laboring in tiny fields as they have for centuries, their lifestyle a million miles from that of city dwellers.

Things To Know
Survival Guide
Essential Info
