Destination: Rome
Top Ten
1 Campidoglio
2 Castel Sant'Angelo
3 Colosseum (Colosseo)
4 Palazzo Barberini
5 Pantheon
6 Piazza Navona
7 Roman Forum (Foro Romano)
8 San Clemente
9 Sistine Chapel & Vatican Museums
10 St Peter's (San Pietro)
8 San Clemente

A 12th-century church, on top of a 4th-century one, on top of an ancient shrine of Mithras - a walk through Rome's multi-layered history?

Even without its hidden depths, San Clemente is one of the prettiest churches in Rome with its 12th-century apse mosaic, The Triumph of the Cross, showing details of animals, birds and humans in flower-filled fields and its simple, 6th-century choir stall, originally in the earlier church building. The spiralling column next to the choir stall is a 12th-century cosmati mosaic candlestick. To the left of the entrance is the chapel of St Catherine with 15th-century frescoes by Masolini of her life and martyrdom on the original Catherine-wheel.

However, the church's main claim to fame lies underneath where the first layer comprises the remains of a 4th-century church in which some fragments of ancient masonry and 11th-century frescoes, illustrating the life and miracles of St Clemente (martyred by being tied to an anchor and drowned), have been preserved among the foundations of the later church. There is also a large circular well that was probably used as a font.

Descending yet further you come to the ancient Roman level where the highlight is a cramped room with a small altar on which there is a relief of Mithras slaying a bull. The Mithraic cult arrived in Rome from Persia about the same time as Christianity and had a strong following especially among soldiers (women were not allowed to join), involving them in ritualistic banquets.

The route out takes you through the walls of several ancient Roman apartment blocks and even lower, although not open to the public, are some 5th or 6th century catacombs.

Address: Via di San Giovanni in Laterano
Phone: 06 7045 1018
Open: 9-12:30, 3:30-6:30; Oct-Mar closes at 6
Bus: 85 to Via di San Giovanni in Laterano; 87, 186 to Via Labicana
Metro: Colosseo
Admission: Cheap; free to upper church
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