Destination: GERMANY

A Walk Along Prinzregenten-strasse

Wilhelm V of Bavaria founded Munich's Hofbräu brewery in 1589 to brew a dark ale more to his liking than the local beer. At this time, beer was a drink restricted to the Bavarian upper classes: they had made it their own preserve after losing their vineyards in a series of bad winters. In 1828, the brewery became an inn, and the delights of its beer were made accessible to all.

The huge beer hall and its tree-shaded courtyard has been the scene of political upheaval and violence in recent history. The Nazi party held its early mass meetings here, and a fight broke out during one of Adolf Hitler's speeches that became known as the Battle of the Hofbräuhaus.

Nowadays, there is nothing sinister about the hall's fame: tourists flock to the long benches, listen to the Bavarian brass bands and drink beer served by traditionally dressed waitresses. They no longer practice the customary quality test for Bock beer, though, which is probably just as well. The test apparently consisted of drinkers sitting at one of the Hofbräuhaus' beer-soaked benches and consuming Bock beer for hours at a time, staying put even while nature took its course. If, at the end of the session, they stuck to the benches when they tried to get up, the beer was reckoned to be thick enough and ready to sell.

The Hofbräuhaus is the city's most popular beer hall and fills up very quickly, especially during the world-famous, 16-day Oktoberfest, a beer festival that ends on the first Sunday in October. Barbecues, processions and music all play their part in this annual jamboree, but beer is the main ingredient.

If the Hofbräuhaus is too crowded, there are other options all over town, plus numerous beer gardens where you can even bring your own food. The Oktoberfest action takes place on the fairground at Theresienwiese, west of the city.

Whether you drink at the Hofbräuhaus or elsewhere, make sure you don't sit at the regulars' table (Stammtisch). You'll know you're there if the waitress refuses to take your order!


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