Destination: FINLAND
Things To Know
Land of Forests and Lakes
The Islands and Lapland
Traveling in Finland
A Bridge Between East And West
Traveling in Finland

Traveling by car is a good way to see rural Finland. There are excellent road systems around Helsinki and between the main towns, but in rural areas some roads may be only dirt tracks. Finland's state railroad, Valtion Rautatiet, serves the whole country (except the extreme north), with the most frequent service in the south. Bus service is also good, and the east-west network in central and southern Finland is especially efficient.

The Finnish climate is far more amiable than you might expect from such a northern country. In spite of being in the same latitude as Alaska and Siberia, Finland and the whole Scandinavian peninsula enjoy a much milder climate owing to the influence of the Gulf Stream. There can be very warm dry spells in summer.
The Finnish people have a well-developed sense of irony, which may emerge in the form of jovial self-disparagement, especially among the young. The Finns know when to keep quiet and may appear to be unwilling to talk very much. But throughout the country you will be welcomed, and helped, with courtesy and kindness.

Things To Know
Survival Guide
Essential Info
