Destination: IRELAND
Things To Know
Mists of Time
From Dublin to Kerry
Islands and Lakes
Traveling North
The Gaelic Lifestyle
Divided Ireland
The Gaelic Lifestyle

In Dublin you will find museums, stores, theaters and restaurants to match those anywhere else in Europe, all suffused by the richness of Irish culture and by a modern sophistication.

In parts of rural Ireland things are different. You may come across an easygoing attitude, a relaxed approach reflecting the fact that the Irish have been around for a long time and often see no reason to rush things. At the same time, you may find yourself swept off your feet in places like beautiful, bustling Galway city, where a vigorous student population adds a contemporary note to the Gaelic culture most young people continue to embrace.
If you travel through Ireland, you will find the Irish hospitable and friendly. Often, if you ask a local for directions to a nearby site or place in town, you will be taken there rather than given complicated directions.
The Irish are fired by an all-consuming curiosity and have an almost total lack of pretension. They are a people whose history has often been terrible, bleak and unforgiving. Yet they have survived as the inheritors of a bewitching country that lies off the western edge of the Continent but is also an integral part of modern Europe.

Things To Know
Survival Guide
Essential Info
