Destination: Ghent
What To See
  + Ghent
* Begijnhof Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Ter Hove
* Belfort
* Bernardparkje
* Bijloke Museum
* Boekentoren
* Botanical Garden
* Bron Der Geknielde Jongelingen
* Coupure
* Dulle Griet
* Galgenhuisje
* Geeraard De Duivelsteen
* Gildehuis Van De Onvrije Schippers
* Gildehuis Van De Vrije Schippers
* Gildehuis Van De Wijnhandelaars
* Houten Gevel (Wooden Facades)
* Jaagpaden (Tow-Paths)
* Ketelvest
* Kinderen Alynshospitaal
* Klein-Manchester
* Klokke Roeland
* Koninklijke Nederlandse Schouwburg
* Koning Albertpark
* Korenmarkt
* Kouter
* Sportpaleis De Kuipke
* Lakenhalle
* Het Licht
* Mammelokker
* Manneken Pis
* Maria Hendrikaplein
* Metsershuis
* Miljoenenkwartier
* Minardschouwburg
* Museum Arnold Vander Haeghen
* Museum Voor Schone Kunsten
* Museum Voor Sierkunsten
* Pand
* Openbare Urinoirs (Public Urinals)
* Oude Postgebouw
* Rabot
* Sikkel
* St Baafsabdij
* St Jorishof
* St Niklaaskerk
* St Michielsbrug
* St Michielskerk
* St Pietersabdij
* St Veerleplein
* Spijker
* Stadhuis
* Tolhuisje
* Turkishtown
* University (Universiteit)
* University District (Universiteitsbuurt)
* Van Ryhovesteen
* Veldstraat
* Vishallen
* Vleeshuis
* Vooruit
* Karelke Waeri (Statue)
* Water-Sports Arena
* Werken Van Barmhartigheid
* Werregarenstraatje
* Westerbegraafplaats
* Zwaene
  + Vicinity

  In The Know
  Did You Know?
Manneken Pis

( Worth Seeing )

The Manneken Pis, the 17th-century bronze fountain in Brussels, is renowned the world over, both as a piece of sculpture and as a curiosity. It is often forgotten that the oldest Manneken Pis is under the balcony of the town hall at Geraardsbergen, a town south of Ghent. In fact, France has the same statue in bronze and Ghent had a Manneken Pis a century earlier than Brussels. There is a replica over the entrance to the restaurant Het Buikske Vol, but in contrast to many of his fellows he has an empty bladder.
Many stories have done the rounds about the origin of Manneken Pis. Most of them can be traced back to the dissolute lives of the Burgundian Flemings. One version is that this could be a hymn of praise to urine that was used to bleach cloth in the Middle Ages and was thus important for trade.

Address: Kraanlei 17
Phone: 09-2251880
Restaurant: Buikske vol (Moderately priced)
Other: Patershol

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