Destination: Ghent
What To See
  + Ghent
* Begijnhof Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Ter Hove
* Belfort
* Bernardparkje
* Bijloke Museum
* Boekentoren
* Botanical Garden
* Bron Der Geknielde Jongelingen
* Coupure
* Dulle Griet
* Galgenhuisje
* Geeraard De Duivelsteen
* Gildehuis Van De Onvrije Schippers
* Gildehuis Van De Vrije Schippers
* Gildehuis Van De Wijnhandelaars
* Houten Gevel (Wooden Facades)
* Jaagpaden (Tow-Paths)
* Ketelvest
* Kinderen Alynshospitaal
* Klein-Manchester
* Klokke Roeland
* Koninklijke Nederlandse Schouwburg
* Koning Albertpark
* Korenmarkt
* Kouter
* Sportpaleis De Kuipke
* Lakenhalle
* Het Licht
* Mammelokker
* Manneken Pis
* Maria Hendrikaplein
* Metsershuis
* Miljoenenkwartier
* Minardschouwburg
* Museum Arnold Vander Haeghen
* Museum Voor Schone Kunsten
* Museum Voor Sierkunsten
* Pand
* Openbare Urinoirs (Public Urinals)
* Oude Postgebouw
* Rabot
* Sikkel
* St Baafsabdij
* St Jorishof
* St Niklaaskerk
* St Michielsbrug
* St Michielskerk
* St Pietersabdij
* St Veerleplein
* Spijker
* Stadhuis
* Tolhuisje
* Turkishtown
* University (Universiteit)
* University District (Universiteitsbuurt)
* Van Ryhovesteen
* Veldstraat
* Vishallen
* Vleeshuis
* Vooruit
* Karelke Waeri (Statue)
* Water-Sports Arena
* Werken Van Barmhartigheid
* Werregarenstraatje
* Westerbegraafplaats
* Zwaene
  + Vicinity

  In The Know
  Did You Know?
Karelke Waeri (Statue)

( Worth Seeing )

Karelke Waeri was a Ghent folk singer whose heart was with the people. The lyrics to his songs were biting, poetic, ambiguous and written in the Flemish vernacular. This 'totem pole' by Walter de Buck illustrates snatches of songs from Waeri's work, for example, the firemen from the song of that name. Waeri wrote this number after the fire brigade had turned out but had left their water tank behind by mistake. The fire was put out anyway - by connecting the hoses to the cesspit. Walter de Buck recorded a CD with Waeri songs on it in order to pay for the sculpture.
In a final ironic twist, the Dutch-speaking Flemish Waeri was murdered by a French-speaker and his widow then remarried a Walloon.

Address: Bij St Jacobs
Restaurant: Pubs and restaurants on Vrijdagmarkt (Moderately priced)
Bus: Bus 3, 16, 17, 18, 19, 38, 55, 57, 58, 69
Other: Vrijdagmarkt

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