Destination: Ghent
What To See
  + Ghent
* Begijnhof Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Ter Hove
* Belfort
* Bernardparkje
* Bijloke Museum
* Boekentoren
* Botanical Garden
* Bron Der Geknielde Jongelingen
* Coupure
* Dulle Griet
* Galgenhuisje
* Geeraard De Duivelsteen
* Gildehuis Van De Onvrije Schippers
* Gildehuis Van De Vrije Schippers
* Gildehuis Van De Wijnhandelaars
* Houten Gevel (Wooden Facades)
* Jaagpaden (Tow-Paths)
* Ketelvest
* Kinderen Alynshospitaal
* Klein-Manchester
* Klokke Roeland
* Koninklijke Nederlandse Schouwburg
* Koning Albertpark
* Korenmarkt
* Kouter
* Sportpaleis De Kuipke
* Lakenhalle
* Het Licht
* Mammelokker
* Manneken Pis
* Maria Hendrikaplein
* Metsershuis
* Miljoenenkwartier
* Minardschouwburg
* Museum Arnold Vander Haeghen
* Museum Voor Schone Kunsten
* Museum Voor Sierkunsten
* Pand
* Openbare Urinoirs (Public Urinals)
* Oude Postgebouw
* Rabot
* Sikkel
* St Baafsabdij
* St Jorishof
* St Niklaaskerk
* St Michielsbrug
* St Michielskerk
* St Pietersabdij
* St Veerleplein
* Spijker
* Stadhuis
* Tolhuisje
* Turkishtown
* University (Universiteit)
* University District (Universiteitsbuurt)
* Van Ryhovesteen
* Veldstraat
* Vishallen
* Vleeshuis
* Vooruit
* Karelke Waeri (Statue)
* Water-Sports Arena
* Werken Van Barmhartigheid
* Werregarenstraatje
* Westerbegraafplaats
* Zwaene
  + Vicinity

  In The Know
  Did You Know?
St Michielsbrug

( Do not miss )

Low swing-bridges slowed down traffic both on land and on water and the construction of the St Michielsbrug in 1910 did away with the congestion on the route to Bruges. It is the only large bridge in the city centre and Japanese tourists who have only a short time to see the city are brought here by their tour guide to get a quick impression of the city. It is a platform from which you can admire the guild houses on the Graslei and Korenlei, the three towers, the St Michielskerk and the Pand. This is picture-postcard Ghent, the perspective from which you can view the historic core of the city with a minimum of passing traffic to distract you.

Address: St Michielshelling
Restaurant: Restaurants in the area (Moderately priced)
Bus: Tram 12, 41; bus 3, 16, 17, 18, 19, 38
Accessible: Good
Other: Kuip van Gent

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